GanttPRO Project Management Blog

Created to help project managers and teams become productive and efficient in their fields.
Useful articles, tips and news to boost your work.

4 Business Analysis Techniques for IT-Managers

Any project begins with a detailed study, references, monitoring and analysis. Before creating a project brief, a business analyst needs to answer a lot of questions about how to start communication with a customer, how to conduct an interview or how to find out the customer's requirements. One more important question is how to choose…

How to Solve Business Issues With the Help of CATWOE Analysis?

What is the global aim of design methods? We suppose it to be the problem-solving. But before solving any problem it's useful and sometimes crucial to explore the problem roots and all the factors that relate to it. Knowing the problem, stakeholders can make a decision how to take further actions. In this article, we'd…

Creating a Project Brief: the Starting Point for Any Project

Every journey begins with a ticket. Is it possible to fly to another country without a boarding pass? Hardly. In the same way, any project starts with a brief. What is a brief? A brief is a simple document that outlines a summary of your project ideas. It highlights all the milestones and shows what…

5 Quick Steps to Smart Project Resource Planning with GanttPRO

Managing a project is hard. Managing a team is twice as hard. Last year I was the only person working on GanttPRO marketing. The same situation was in development. Only one person was responsible for developing and deploying new features of GanttPRO. But things have changed. Right now 4 people are involved in marketing and…

Alexandra Drebezova
December 5, 2016
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
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Agile vs Waterfall: Pros and Cons, Differences and Similarities

What is the most important in a project? Let's say, any project can be divided into two key stages: planning and management. However, the most important element in any project is its result. It doesn’t matter what software development methodologies you use, the final result is the measure of all the work done. Agile methodology…

What Should We Know About Traditional Waterfall Methodology

What is the best way to develop software? There should be several, right? Actually, Waterfall and Agile are the most prominent methods. We have recently described what is Agile management methodology and what is Program Evaluation and Review Technique, so it's time to clarify all important points about Waterfall. Actually, you are able to use…

PERT Chart Practice for Complex Projects

It should be two probable reasons why you’ve decided to read this article: You want to manage a project that should be completed by a certain deadline. You are looking for the definition of the acronym PERT and, consequently, PERT chart definition. Actually, you’re in the right place! Here we'd like to share some basic…

Pavel Kukhnavets
November 14, 2016
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
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5 Strong Reasons to Use Timeline Charts For Your Business

Project management is a versatile sphere with different methodologies and tools. Managers all over the world try to use innovative techniques and new trends to improve their business results. But there is at least one component that appears in every project. In this article, we'd like to share some basic and interesting facts about project…

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