GanttPRO news

Relevant news about GanttPRO. Latest releases, updates, awards, statistical data, and any other information related to the Gantt chart maker.

GanttPRO Gets Awards as the Best Product Roadmap and Strategy Planning Tool

GanttPRO continues to win industry awards and professional recognition in prestigious categories. We have recently shared the news about G2 summer 2022 awards. This time the Gantt chart maker was qualified to reach the Gartner Digital Markets research reports. Gartner Digital Markets is a source that provides software vendors with the ability to connect with…

G2 Recognizes GanttPRO as an Industry Leader With the New Summer 2022 Awards

Summer is a period to relax and recover, but also to receive well-deserved recognition. The traditional G2 Summer Report has brought some good news. One of the most trusted tech marketplaces has recognized the success of our online Gantt chart maker giving us the high places in its ratings. GanttPRO has been awarded again, increasing…

How to Choose a GanttPRO Plan

We developed a new approach to positioning plans of GanttPRO online Gantt chart maker. Let’s take a closer look at this update. New plans There are four pricing plans which differ in feature sets: Basic, PRO, Business, and Enterprise. More info you will find on the pricing page. Before going deeper into each plan, pay…

GanttPRO Recognized With New 2022 Awards in Project and Task Management

GanttPRO continues to win industry awards in various categories, as determined by the latest software user reviews. This time the online Gantt chart maker takes new heights, gaining recognition and even higher appreciation from well-known professionals. The leading reviews and rating platforms acknowledge GanttPRO taking into account user feedback and their own assessment for the period…

GanttPRO Was Recognized as the Top IT Project Management Tool by Capterra

We are proud to announce that GanttPRO continues to win industry awards in key categories, as determined by the latest software user reviews.  The accolades from Capterra just keep coming. The popular online marketplace recognizes GanttPRO with a new award, adding it to the fast-growing GanttPRO awards list. This time the leading reviews and rating…

GanttPRO Takes Home 23 G2 Winter Awards For 2022

The G2 Winter 2022 Report is live, and GanttPRO has been awarded again. It is becoming a good tradition: G2 recognizes the success of GanttPRO, giving our online Gantt chart maker the high places in its ratings. We have been delighted to receive awards from G2 in previous seasonal reports. This time GanttPRO has earned…

GanttPRO in Numbers in 2021

2021 comes to a close — time to take stock and share actual numbers and facts. This year has been anything but ordinary, and it’s a pleasure to see what we’ve done and to learn what we could have done differently. And before we say “goodbye” to 2021, we’d like to take a moment to…

GanttPRO Wins Awards from Leading Business Software Review Platforms

We have the great news and gladly share it with you. GanttPRO online Gantt chart tool won numerous top awards from business software review platforms. The awards are from multiple categories. It makes us even happier as this recognition comes from you, our customers, and your experience. The software was recognized as a leading solution…

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