GanttPRO Project Management Blog

Created to help project managers and teams become productive and efficient in their fields.
Useful articles, tips and news to boost your work.

MoSCow Method: the Most Successful Prioritization Technique For Any Project

“You do not need to do work faster or to eliminate gaps in productivity to make better use of your time. You need to spend more time on the right things...” Ray Johnson How does it feel when you get up early in the morning and have so much to do? Everyone surely knows that…

Key Advantages of Agile Practices in Project Management

Project managers solve many objectives. They manage teams, plan and schedule their aims, using smart goal templates, set deadlines, etc. And one of the most important objectives is choosing the best management method for a project. The popular Agile methodology has its advantages and drawbacks, so how should we know which one to choose? Recently,…

Project Management Smart Goals for Business: Templates and Examples

What are SMART goals? SMART (S.M.A.R.T.) is an acronym formed by the first letters of words: S = Specific, M = Measurable, A = Achievable/Attainable, R = Relevant/ Realistic/ Results Focused, T = Timely/ Trackable. The acronym which is used today in the best project management books was created in November 1981 in the USA…

Best Project Management Books for Every Manager

Reading is one of the most helpful ways to become more qualified. Professional books can teach much better than lectures or professors. In this article, we prepared the list of books with their descriptions for you. They will be of much help in managing projects whenever you are up to it. Why is it so important…

5 GanttPRO Features for Successful Project Management

What is successful project management? Have you ever thought about the definition of successful project management? Every project management specialist or a person who deals with any types of projects wants to know how to become more productive at work and how to get success in project management. In fact, they have own concepts and…

How to Be More Productive at Work: 15 Smart Tips

Productivity is a quality that we cherish and strive to improve. Every person has own different way of being productive and sometimes even the simplest things and obscure details can help us to make progress in this direction. Here you can find some practical tips from GanttPRO - online project management tool that can help to…

Now Import a Gantt Chart From Excel to GanttPRO in a Сlick!

Here are steps you need to take to create a Gantt chart in Excel: Start from creating a project table: a task name, start date, end date, duration. After that, you need to build a standard Excel bar chart based on tasks start dates. Once done, you need to add duration data to your chart…

Alexandra Drebezova
August 4, 2016
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
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The Top 20 Project Management Tools and Resources for 2016

Managing a project is like running a marathon. To show good results, get in time, and not get exhausted before the race is over you must have enough experience to plan wisely, spend the available resources reasonably and choose a project management tool that could help you with it. In both examples, the key to…

Alexandra Drebezova
June 16, 2016
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
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