How-tos and guides

Guides, tutorials, tips, and useful educational materials to improve your professional skills in planning, scheduling, project management, and other related areas.

10 Tips for Successful Project Management

Among the other things that should be remembered by successful project management team, there is the fact that sometimes there’s nobody who manages the manager. Thus, all taken decisions should be made following by deep base of knowledge and thorough understanding of this job. Here we provide some tips along with a useful project management…

How to Successfully Manage Projects with Timely Created Project Scope Statements

The world we live in is not chaotic. To function properly, it applies certain rules to a great variety of things and systems. And in any system, there is a structure without which it won’t exist as an ordered set. Project management is definitely a complicated structure where its elements should exist in order and…

How to Win the Battle Against Project Scope Creep?

“You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic.” Lewis Carroll There is no magic in project management. Any small problem can become a serious consequence for any skilled manager. Even if you are fluent in one of the business…

How to Solve Business Issues With the Help of CATWOE Analysis?

What is the global aim of design methods? We suppose it to be the problem-solving. But before solving any problem it's useful and sometimes crucial to explore the problem roots and all the factors that relate to it. Knowing the problem, stakeholders can make a decision how to take further actions. In this article, we'd…

How to Be More Productive at Work: 15 Smart Tips

Productivity is a quality that we cherish and strive to improve. Every person has own different way of being productive and sometimes even the simplest things and obscure details can help us to make progress in this direction. Here you can find some practical tips from GanttPRO - online project management tool that can help to…

Guide to Building a Super Team: Project Team Roles and Responsibilities

We have already discussed project management methodologies that can help you to improve your team's results. In this article, we want to share with you some tips and tricks how to organize your project team and delegate roles and responsibilities that, we hope, will help you with your hard but usually invisible mission of project…

Alexandra Drebezova
June 9, 2016
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
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Creating a Perfect Business Plan Presentation

What could be more stressful than presenting your project plan you fully believe in to potential investors? Here is a situation. You know that every element of your business plan is thought out, the market is studied, your project plan is waiting to be realized, and word of mouth has almost started to bring your…

Alexandra Drebezova
May 18, 2015
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
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