GanttPRO news

Relevant news about GanttPRO. Latest releases, updates, awards, statistical data, and any other information related to the Gantt chart maker.

GanttPRO Guest Post Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing quality content to GanttPRO blog! GanttPRO blog was created to inform and inspire project managers from different spheres: IT, design, construction, event, web and software development, etc. We have written dozens of articles, covered basic and up-to-date topics. We still with pleasure continue to produce quality project management…

GanttPRO Wins 2017 Project Management Software Awards

GanttPRO was just granted not one, but two industry accolades, thanks to one of the leading B2B software review platforms. FinancesOnline recognized our Gantt chart tool with the 2017 Great User Experience Award and Rising Star Award for its intuitive visualization feature and highly useful platform for projects with multiple teams. The awards are the result…

Improved Personal and Teamwork in GanttPRO for Better Collaboration

To manage a project where you are the only person is much easier than managing a project with several people. Reasons are obvious: you know all your tasks, their duration, milestones and what is actually expected at the end of it. The personal tasks management software will help a lot. But you also agree that…

How to Succeed in Managing Multiple Projects with GanttPRO

Managing is a hard process. Sometimes even for one person. However, with little made effort it is absolutely possible to handle own things. What is more difficult is to manage a project with team members: a manager has to assign tasks, track them, follow deadlines, and it’s him who is under most pressure. Things can…

5 Quick Steps to Smart Project Resource Planning with GanttPRO

Managing a project is hard. Managing a team is twice as hard. Last year I was the only person working on GanttPRO marketing. The same situation was in development. Only one person was responsible for developing and deploying new features of GanttPRO. But things have changed. Right now 4 people are involved in marketing and…

Alexandra Drebezova
December 5, 2016
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
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Now Import a Gantt Chart From Excel to GanttPRO in a Сlick!

Here are steps you need to take to create a Gantt chart in Excel: Start from creating a project table: a task name, start date, end date, duration. After that, you need to build a standard Excel bar chart based on tasks start dates. Once done, you need to add duration data to your chart…

Alexandra Drebezova
August 4, 2016
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
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Construction Schedule Templates: GanttPRO – Gantt Chart for Construction Projects

Almost every day we talk to people who are hesitating about choosing and implementing new types of Construction project management software even if it is clear that such kind of software can become an absolute deal breaker for their business.  The reason for it is that managers who work with a commercial construction schedule face…

Alexandra Drebezova
May 27, 2016
Estimated reading time: 7 minutes
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Project Planning with Fresh GanttPRO Update 1.7: Working Schedule, Dependencies and Improved Export

With the changing requirements to project management, project managers are not the only ones who need to adapt to a new environment. In Gantt Chart - GanttPRO, we strive to follow new trends in project management and add an increasing number of features that will boost the efficiency of project management planning processes. Previously we…

Alexandra Drebezova
April 20, 2016
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
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