GanttPRO news

Relevant news about GanttPRO. Latest releases, updates, awards, statistical data, and any other information related to the Gantt chart maker.

GanttPRO Wins Awards in Roadmap Software, Project Management, and Other Prestigious Categories

Leading software review platforms have recently shared their Summer 2023 reports. As usual, GanttPRO is presented in a range of prestigious categories and rankings. This time we have awards from Gartner Digital Markets platforms, G2, and SourceForge. There is progress in some positions compared to previous GanttPRO awards.  Let’s discover how the Gantt chart maker…

How to Manage Tasks More Efficiently with GanttPRO: Updated Task Settings

Following the previous huge release with new account roles and project rights, we are introducing a new one. We’ve updated the appearance of task settings in the online Gantt chart maker. Now, they look neater and take less space. Let’s take a closer look at what we have for you in this release: Redesigned task…

How to Customize Work with Project Participants with GanttPRO: Account Roles and Project Rights

We are introducing new, completely redesigned features for working with account-level roles and permissions and project-level rights and permissions. In addition, you will find a few more shining opportunities for working with and managing your team. Let’s figure out what we have for you in this release: Redesigned rights and roles. Improved People menu. Redesigned…

Entering the Top 50 Project Managements Products: GanttPRO Wins New Awards

GanttPRO has started this spring not only with fresh plans and professional ambitions but also with a new set of honorable awards. Traditional seasonal reports compiled by the leading software review platforms have brought some good news. The online Gantt chart maker receives high places in many ratings and also reaches a new professional height…

How to Manage Projects On the Go with GanttPRO: Mobile App Improvements

We improved the GanttPRO mobile app. Working on tasks and projects will become even more convenient. So, what’s new you can do in the app. View available projects We’ve added a new tab - Projects. Here, you will find all the available projects which you can browse and view details. In this tab, you can…

GanttPRO is Recognized as a Project Management Leader in Winter 2023 Awards by G2

G2 has recently shared their Winter 2023 Reports. As usual, GanttPRO is presented in a set of prestigious categories.  G2 Grid Reports divide the tools into Leaders, High Performers, Contenders, and Niche products. Our Gantt chart generator traditionally receives the Leader and High Performer positions in several prestigious grids related to project management, task management,…

GanttPRO Wins Awards in Gantt Chart, IT, and Online Project Management Categories

GanttPRO ends the year with a new bunch of honorable industry awards in various categories. This recognition is the result of the latest software user reviews. Our online Gantt chart maker continues to take new heights and receive appreciation from the top review platforms: Gartner and SourceForge. They named GanttPRO a leading solution in the…

GanttPRO Is Recognized as One of the Leaders in G2’s Fall 2022 Report

The Fall 2022 Reports provided by G2 are live. GanttPRO is traditionally presented in a set of prestigious categories. This time, the world’s largest tech marketplace recognizes the role of a professional Gantt chart for project management, work management, and task management. The presence in some grids was successfully upgraded. Let's take it in order…

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