GanttPRO Achieves High Performer Award in G2’s Winter 2020 Report

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What comes to your mind when you hear about the first winter month?
Christmas, Jingle Bells, and family dinner?
New Year, gifts, and new goals?
Everyone loves these holidays and traditions! So do we.
In addition, at GanttPRO, we are also getting used to one more tradition: receiving winter awards by G2, the leading business platform that collects authentic reviews on products.
GanttPRO has been named a High Performer in Winter 2020 report. According to G2, a High Performer is a product that has high customer satisfaction scores but their market presence is lower in comparison with the leaders in the category.
Best reports for GanttPRO are the following:
To be included in this report, a product should receive a minimum of 10 reviews by November 27, 2019. GanttPRO is ranked 39 out of 170 products.
To be included in this report, a product should receive a minimum of 10 reviews by November 27, 2019, in the small-business grid for project management. GanttPRO is ranked 21 out of 71 products.
To be included in this report, a product should receive a minimum of 10 reviews by November 27, 2019, in the mid-market grid for project management. GanttPRO is ranked 25 out of 59 products.
To be included in this report, a product should receive a minimum of 10 reviews by November 27, 2019, in the enterprise grid for project management. GanttPRO is ranked 17 out of 42 products.
This report reflects the satisfaction score for project management software based on reviews sourced from the Europe region. GanttPRO is ranked 6 out of 38 products with a score of 84%.
GanttPRO is online Gantt chart software that helps individuals and teams manage tasks and projects. The tool has a short learning curve and offers an intuitive interface. A few minutes – and your whole team is in.
GanttPRO awards by global review platforms
The tool keeps on collecting recognition and awards by the global leading software review platforms. Take a look at the huge collection of GanttPRO awards.
About G2
G2 helps businesses from all over the world choose the right tools. This leading software review platform offers more than 1,000,000 validated unbiased reviews to help businesses make better buying decisions.
Don’t know how to start using GanttPRO? This overview is your first step.
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