How to Manage Projects with GanttPRO: Updated Board View

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Following the newly introduced Calendar view, we have another huge update: a redesigned Board view.
It has got a fresh and modern look and new features that will come in handy if you prefer to work with Kanban-style columns.
Read on to find out more about this release of GanttPRO online Gantt chart maker.
How to work with columns
When you open a Board view, you will see numbers displayed close to column names. They show how many tasks this column includes.

In one click, you can easily collapse and expand required columns.
Grouping and sorting
As it was with the previous board, you can group your columns. It means you can choose how your board will look.
The new sorting feature will give you more flexibility in how you display your tasks in columns.
By default, tasks are grouped by their statuses.
But in general, from the default fields, you can choose grouping by:
- Status.
- Priority.
- Assignee.
Note that you can also group by several custom fields. Among them are:
- List.
- Color.
- Multiselect.
- People.
- Labels.
When you group tasks by custom fields, pay attention to the first column on the left: it includes tasks with no values in the specified field. Next, columns will be arranged from left to right in the order in which the values were created in the custom field.
By default, tasks are sorted by their creation date.
But in general, you can choose no sorting at all or sorting by:
- Status.
- Priority.
- Task name.
- WBS.
- Assignee.
- Creation date.
- Start date.
- End date.
Descending and ascending sorting options are available.
Changing the order of columns
From now on, you can quickly change the order of columns. You can do it in 2 ways: with drag & drop and from the column menu.

Reordering can be applied to all cases of grouping: by default fields and custom fields.
These are personal changes. It means they are applied to your personal board and only to the board.
Column menu
We’ve also implemented the column menu. You can open it by clicking on the three dots in the column header.
Here, the following options are available:
- Editing (only when custom field grouping is enabled).
- Moving.
- Deleting (only when custom field grouping is enabled).
Adding new columns
Working on a board, you can’t add new columns if grouping by default fields is On.
But you can do it if grouping by custom fields is enabled.
After the last column on the right, click on + to add a new one to your board.
Note that a new column (the value in the custom field) will be applied to the custom field in the account. It means that this change will affect all users and all projects where this field is used.
How to work with tasks
As in any other view, GanttPRO quickly provides you with all the details about your tasks in the Board view.
Task cards
On each card, you will see the following information about assignments:
- Path.
- Name.
- Color.
- Priority, status or both (depends on the chosen grouping).
- Assignees.
- Start and end dates.
- Icons showing comments and attachments, if any.
Clicking on a card opens the task settings.
However, it is possible to change color, status, priority, assignees and start and end dates right on a card without opening the settings.
Task moving within and among columns
When the default sorting is enabled, you can move task cards within a column and among others.
But pay attention to the following cases:
- When any other sorting is enabled, you can move tasks among columns. In this case, a card will take its place in a column according to the specified sorting.
- When any other sorting is enabled, you can’t move cards within a column as this will break the specified sorting.

Task menu
Clicking on the three dots on a card opens the task menu.
Here, the following options are available:
- Opening task settings.
- Renaming.
- Moving to another column.
- Deleting.
Overdue tasks
As in the Gantt chart view, you can also highlight overdue tasks in one click.
To do this, press the corresponding button on the left in the header.

Adding new tasks
You can add new tasks in 2 ways:
- Click on + in the column header.
- Click on “Add a task” below the column.
Both actions will add a task to the bottom of the column.
Need help?
If you have questions about how to work on the board, ask us in the Live chat.