Gantt chart

Everything you need to know about the online bar diagram. Posts about a Gantt chart for planning and scheduling projects, its features, and benefits.

How to Make a Gantt Chart in Word

To make a Gantt chart people usually resort to different tools. Among them, for instance, are popular Microsoft tools. We have already explained how to create a Gantt chart in Excel, MS Project, Google Sheets, and PowerPoint in our previous articles. However, it may be the case that you are used to working in Word…

How To Ensure Timely Tasks Implementation

Timely implementation of tasks by the company's employees is one of the main elements that the average manager should pay attention to. Why do we not keep to deadlines? Is the adherence to deadlines a skill or rather a feature of character? The Gallup Business Journal proves that only 2.5% of companies finish their projects…

Pawel Kijko
February 21, 2019
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
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Getting Work Done: Benefits of Using Project Templates

Making an impression on the customers and clients has become an unsaid necessity of today. Businesses are always looking for the ways through which they can leave an impact on potential clients and customers. One of the differentiating points can be delivering the projects perfectly on time without sacrificing the quality and sanctity. The use…

David Miller
November 16, 2017
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
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Creating a Project Brief: the Starting Point for Any Project

Every journey begins with a ticket. Is it possible to fly to another country without a boarding pass? Hardly. In the same way, any project starts with a brief. What is a brief? A brief is a simple document that outlines a summary of your project ideas. It highlights all the milestones and shows what…

5 Strong Reasons to Use Timeline Charts For Your Business

Project management is a versatile sphere with different methodologies and tools. Managers all over the world try to use innovative techniques and new trends to improve their business results. But there is at least one component that appears in every project. In this article, we'd like to share some basic and interesting facts about project…

The Checklist for Creating and Managing Gantt Charts

How do you keep your projects from turning into uncontrollable ones because of failed deadlines and overloaded resources? Simple: Make your processes run like clockwork so that you can fix some parts, not trying to rebuild the whole project plan each time something goes wrong. The following checklist will prepare you to make Gantt charts…

Alexandra Drebezova
December 2, 2015
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
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The Most Popular Gantt Chart Templates to Use in Project Planning

What does it take to make your project successful? What steps do you need to take to bring it to the top? One of the main factors for project success is developing a strong project plan. Your well-developed project plan will allow you not only to set deadlines, always see the progress and track your…

Alexandra Drebezova
April 27, 2015
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
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