
Here you can find information about GanttPRO online Gantt chart software releases and updates, new features and developer’s announcements. Also in this category authorized users can give their suggestion on the point of improvements, share their insights or ask questions and recieve answers from GanttPRO team.

How to Make a Gantt Chart in Word

To make a Gantt chart people usually resort to different tools. Among them, for instance, are popular Microsoft tools. We have already explained how to create a Gantt chart in Excel, MS Project, Google Sheets, and PowerPoint in our previous articles. However, it may be the case that you are used to working in Word…

How to Work with Task and Project Budget with GanttPRO: Manual Budget Entry & Currency

For years, GanttPRO has offered powerful features for working with task costs. Their calculations were completely automatic. It meant that costs were based on preset resource values. We’ve updated this feature for even more robust budget planning and tracking. In this release, we introduce manual budget entry and features to select its currency and number…

How to Plan and Manage Project and Resource Calendars with GanttPRO: 30-Minute Intervals

Project planning and workload management in GanttPRO will become more flexible and convenient for you. With this release, we introduce a 30-minute step in project and resource calendars. Previously, the Gantt chart software allowed setting only 1 hour as the minimum value in both cases, which some teams found quite unusual to work with. Project…

How to Manage Projects with GanttPRO: Calendar View

We continue to introduce you to new great benefits of using GanttPRO. This time, we are announcing a calendar view, a new way to visualize tasks that will help you plan and schedule your activities and even manage your resources. Let’s dive deeper into this release. Introducing the calendar view. How you benefit from using…

How to Precisely Track Time Spent on Tasks with GanttPRO: Timer in the Mobile App

From now on, you will be able to track time spent on tasks on the go with a timer that is available on all GanttPRO plans. Time tracking in real time The ability to track time using a timer has been one of the main requests from mobile app users. This is not surprising as…

How to Manage Multiple Projects with GanttPRO: Updated Project Portfolios

We’ve improved the way of working with project portfolios in GanttPRO online Gantt chart maker. From now on, you’ll be able to see a detailed big picture of your projects in one place, getting even more insights with dashboards. Let’s figure out what’s new in this release. Portfolio menu Like virtual resource conversion, the portfolio…

How to Improve Collaborative Work on Projects with GanttPRO: Virtual Resources Conversion

With this release, we introduce a unique feature that you will hardly find in any other project management software. From now on, you can convert virtual resources into real users. Also, we have some other improvements. Let’s dive deeper into the details. Virtual resource conversion. How to convert virtual resources into real users.  Improvement in…

How to Create New Projects from Custom Templates in GanttPRO: Advanced Settings

Following the previous release with the brand-new Communication hub, we are presenting a new one. From now on, you will be able to transfer many more details when creating new projects from previously saved templates in GanttPRO online Gantt chart maker. Let’s go into the nitty-gritty. Creating new projects from templates First of all, previously…

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